ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which emerges in childhood and persists into adolescence and adulthood. ADHD is characterized by inattention and/or excessive activity and impulsivity. Children with ADHD often have challenges with paying attention and sustaining attention, inhibiting their impulses, and delaying enjoyable activities. At school, children with ADHD may often forget or lose their belongings, display poor handwriting, talk out of turn, or have difficulty keeping up with classroom activities. At home, they tend to appear uncooperative or struggle with following multi-step instructions. Children with ADHD often exhibit ability to hyperfocus during an activity they find interesting or stimulating (e.g. engaging in a hobby, watching a movie, or playing video games). However, they tend to be less motivated to start or focus on a task if they find it uninteresting. hey also tend to give up easily on a difficult task, as they may find it frustrating to complete such a task. Some, though not all, may seem restless, overly active, talkative, or fidgety.
College students or adults with ADHD often find it challenging to initiate activities, complete projects on time, organize their work, and manage their time effectively. These challenges may lead to emotional difficulties, poor school or work performance, or relationship challenges. Individuals with ADHD may find it difficult to regulate their impulses, such that they may have difficulty tolerating waiting in line or driving in traffic, experience frequent outbursts of anger, or develop substance use problems.

At Cognostic, we provide diagnostic services for ADHD. These services provided by our psychologists are based on an hourly rate. Assessment hours vary from person to person because some individuals may work slower for academic testing whereas other clients may require less time to complete testing. Fees for an ADHD assessment include direct and indirect services. Direct services are typically scheduled in-person or virtual appointments. Indirect services include scoring time, results interpretation and report writing. The time required for a typical assessment varies between 13 hours to 16 hours. On occasion, a child or an individual may require additional hours of testing.

Estimated assessment hours needed for a child:
Parent Interview for a child client (1.5 to 2 hours),
Cognitive functioning testing (2 hours)
Academic functioning testing (2 hours)
ADHD testing (1 hour)
Scoring time and file review (1 hour)
Feedback for parents (1 hour)
A final report (7 to 8 hours)

Estimated assessment hours needed for an adult:
Client Interview (2 hours)
Testing (6 hours)
File Review, Scoring, and Preparation of Assessment Report (5 hours)
Feedback for client (0.5 to 1 hour)
At the end of the assessment, the client’s parents or the adult client will be provided a feedback session and a final report. Developmental history, areas of concerns, testing results and recommendations are included in the report. Depending on the results and the school district criteria / their work place, clients may be able to receive some accommodations if they meet criteria of ADHD.